Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

HUT Surabaya

Hari ini tanggal 31 Mei 2011 adalah Hari Ulang Tahun Surabaya yang ke-718
HUT Surabaya hari ini, diadakan di Taman Surya, meriah dan rameeee bangeeeeett
Aku yang kebetulan hari ini masuk siang (karena masih ada UKK) kejebak maceeeett di daerah pemkot. .


Foto waktu macet, ramee banget *sempet-sempetnya moto dari dalem bemo* haha
dan sayangnya aku gak dapet foto keramaian di Taman Surya (saking penuhnya jalan -__-)

Berbicara tentang Surabaya, ada tugas kesenian, membuat batik Surabaya, aku bikin ikon bambu runcing hehe
Ini diaaaa, tapi yang ini tugas yang dikertas, ada juga tugas yang membatik langsung di kain, dan ternyata. . .
Susah Sekali. . haha

tugas batik surabaya

Btw, hari ini juga hari terakhir UKK, alhamdulillah
tetapi masih ada pekan remidi :O
ya Allah semoga nilai ku bagus bagus Amiiiiin :D

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


UKK (ulangan kenaikan kelas) will be held on Monday May 23 2011 until Tuesday May 31 2011.
It's just several day from today, I'm not ready for that. But I'm sure I can do it. Bismillah
Ya Allah, give us the best.
Wish us luck :)
Btw, today is the last day that I spent with SIMPANSE before we have UKK.
I'll never forget it, thanks for the memories :)


Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


alhamdulillah, finally my group has done the art assignment. the assignment is interview two of many painter in PSLI 2011 (Pasar Seni Lukis Indonesia 2011). This year PSLI was held in balai pemuda, Surabayaaa.
tomorrow is the deadline to collect the assignment.
there are many things that out of my imagination (for cover), but i'm happy that everything's running well
i hope my group can get the best, amin.



alhamdulillaaaah :)
i like it haha :))

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

remember :)

photo is one thing that can save our memories, our strories, and our precious moments.
we can always remember it all by seeing the photos.

there are some my  photos that remind me all the times i had spent with the people around me, my classmate, my friends at school, and etc.
i will always remember these,  and keep these :)

with simpanse :)

with klaxone :)

with 9F :)

with 8D :)

with my elementary school friends :)

with my kindergarten friends :)

with osis mpk 2010-2011 :)

with photography extracurricular :)

thanks for colouring my life, thanks for make my life seems brighter, thanks for everythings, i love you all :* haha

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

simpanse's holiday :D

2 weeks ago, 3th grade of senior high school had unas. So, 1st and 2nd grade had holiday.
Me and my friends of simpanse (my class is called simpanse. sebeleas ipa empat anak smart dan enerjik) went to Malang for holiday. We visited Jatim Park 1 and my friend's villa. We went to Malang on Tuesday, April 19 2011. We went there by cars. We used 4 cars for 23 people, not all of my friends joined this holiday :(.
Jatim  Park has so many games, not only games, Jatim Park 1 also has so many galleries, 3D cinema, and etc. We can increase our knowledge in Jatim Park 1. Me and my friends enjoyed this holiday.

 One more sweet memory with simpanse. I'll never forget it :)